bartenders Cindy Yu bartenders Cindy Yu


It’s been almost a month since the launch of this website and I’m grateful and blown away by the support from family and friends. While I’d like to be a bit more active in developing content - it’s coming, I promise - I’ve spent more time since the website’s launch simply speaking with people. And it’s becoming abundantly clear that in my many conversations about cocktail culture, nearly everyone I spoke to (men and women equally) agree that this culture and industry is significantly dominated by men. Luckily, we’ve got some pretty bad-ass female bartenders in Vancouver (Kaitlyn Stewart, Lauren Mote and Katie Ingram immediately come to mind, among many others). That said, we’ve still got a long way to go to ensure women are not only encouraged to lead teams behind the bar but also to create an environment that supports and opens the door for many more to enter.

Now that’s related to the industry itself, but let’s get more meta. Let’s remove all experts regardless of gender. Let’s take the average non-professional, female craft cocktail enthusiast. Here we’re talking about someone whose life does not revolve around this industry - they have other jobs, other things that consume them day to day - but love the experience, art and enjoyment of consuming a finely crafted drink. Some prefer to leave the crafting in the hands of professional mixologists at their favourite establishment, while others love exploring such recipes in their own home bar. Regardless of where on the spectrum these women find themselves, they’re involved, they’re engaged and they’re passionate about this craft. But you don’t hear from them very much. Why is that? I’d like to believe that there’s a narrative there, and perhaps this website will allow them to share their passions, knowledge and opinions. After all, cocktail culture isn’t just about the experts behind the bar, but also society itself that orbits around this culture. With the evolution of consumer perceptions, habits and voice, come changes to industries and societies. 

And we’ll do that one craft beverage at a time.

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Cindy Yu Cindy Yu

Day Zero.

Why I started the Cocktails in the Jungle website.

You’re probably wondering… a cocktail website? How original.

Well, my purpose wasn’t to be original; but to create an outlet where I could document and record the experiments I’m conducting in my home bar. Let’s first get something straight though: I’m not a mixologist nor bartender. I’m not even in the industry. I juggle a corporate life and a creative one - plus I’m a breeder (of two lovely boys). I’m at an age where I know what I like, and can appreciate (and afford, to a degree) the good life. And I’m unapologetic for it. I might be described by today’s Millenials and Gen Z’s as ‘giving zero fucks.’ (Boy, it feels so good to swear when it’s on your own website.) And one of those ‘good life’ activities is enjoying a handcrafted beverage at the end of a long corporate workday. Better yet when you’re the one crafting it. I enjoy the art of creating (and experimenting) with mixology and also sampling the fruits of my labour.

Now the annoying part of experimenting in your home bar is that you have to keep a record of everything you do - especially the stuff that works out (no one gives a shit about the stuff that doesn’t). And honestly, I started out keeping track of my recipes with cue cards (yes, you read that right) but it just wasn’t sustainable nor scalable (how’s that for corporate speak?!)

As a result, the idea of Cocktails in the Jungle was born.

Why in the ‘Jungle?’ For those of you not familiar with my other creative account where I often share updates of my hobbies and home, I have a substantial number of houseplants. I liken it to be called a ‘jungle;’ or more like others who have visited have called it that. So it has stuck. There’s nothing like being surrounded by lush plants; and even better when you are enjoying your surroundings with a cocktail in hand. And, I mean, it’s a perfect metaphor for life, isn’t it? Life is a jungle.

So there you go. Rationale, done. Background, done.

I’m launching this website with a basic set of cocktail recipes - many which are my own (thanks to my extremely patient boyfriend who has also become my tester, a role of zero complaints, go figure) while also including a bunch of classics. Over time, I’ll continue to add recipes because let’s face it, life can be shitty, but your drink doesn’t have to be. It can be absofuckinglutely amazing.

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