When you come across an incredible cocktail somewhere, and you want to share it with the world.

Best Drink I’ve Had…

  • Vieux Carré

    Alta Bistro, Whistler
    Lot 40 Rye, Melrose Cognac, Sweet Vermouth, Benedictine

  • Pink Elephant

    Hawksworth, Vancouver
    Absolut Vodka, Odd Society Cassis, raspberry, rose, lemon, egg white

  • Harry's Martini

    Giovane Bacaro, Vancouver
    Tanqueray London Dry Gin, Vermouth extra dry

Had an unforgettable drink?

Send us a photo, name of the drink and the establishment that served it, plus ingredients and any other details. We’ll not only post it - but will put it on our own list to try out! Send your favourite drink to hello@cocktailsinthejungle.com